Monday, November 29, 2010

Goals for December 2011

I had a great November, and im ready to have another solid month in December.

I need about 150k vpps in december to reach my 1.75 mil goal and get a 10k bonus.  This will not be easy at all as i usually dont reach 150k in a month.

I won an EPT Prague package recently for about 7k euros from a 20k fpp qualifier put on by pokerstars with one seat added.  I was initially going to play but now im not sure because the avg temp is 10 degrees F there and I'm not sure how fun the nightlife will be when its so cold.  I usually like to experience the city I'm traveling (not just poker) so i might try to go to a different and warmer event.  Still waiting to hear back from pokerstars about whether or not I can get T$ or roll the package over.

Overally I had a sick november which included my NAPT LA score.

In December I plan to put in a lot more volume in at mid stakes (230-570).  Everyone has similar VPP goals so i think I will have to play through more regs this month.  I dont mind playing regs at these levels besides a few because I feel I have an edge.  There are some regs that I will never play so i will have to share the lobbies and try to put in a lot of volume which includes waiting time for lobbies.

Im also going to play some sunday mtts again (sigh) and try to bink something huge. Hate MTTs!

Hope to put together a 30k month in December in pure profit.

Congrats to OLD TIME GIN for winning the Sunday 500 for 91k!


  1. I came across your name at a PLO table the other week and noticed you have Kalamazoo as your City. Since there is only one Kalamazoo and I happen to live there I was wondering if you live in the Zoo as well.


  2. yeah i do live here part of the time, my parents still live here, detwings871 is my aim

  3. Nice, I am making arrangements to move out of the country if we are forced to before the floodgates open & we get to spread money all over the place.

    I actually uninstalled all of my IM programs at the beginning of the year. It was a great move. I wrote down your handle and will definitely shoot you a message sometime.
