Thursday, December 2, 2010

mid stakes grind and new motivation in life

Recently I put a bounty on myself for the month of December.  If you see me playing higher than a 570 husng, you get $200 if you are the first one to post it on the husng regs thread on 2p2.  I know 200 isnt a lot, but i think its more of a motivation thing for me to stay in line, I'd hate to give away $200 for free, that would be sick rake for playing a 1k haha.

I've got some inspiration recently from 'treezer' to grind the mid stakes and just take shots at high stakes when the game is super +ev.  Back in January, 'Plauzee, Siervos, Treezer and I were all playing low stakes and all came up the levels together.  In march-april, we were all playing the highest stakes games.  Treezer i guess had enough of the variance and moved back to grinding lower stakes (230-570) while I was still swinging at high stakes.  Well, he was right, the grind at 570 and lower is so much less stressful and easier money because 95% of the times you play fish, instead of trying to 'catch' them at higher stakes.

His graph is prove of his success compared to mine this year, as I could have easily imitated what  he accomplished because i feel our skill level is similar.  It will be my goal next year to beat this sick graph.  If you want to see it, just sharkscope treezer on pokerstars.

The most annoying thing about mid stakes is having to fight for lobbies with other regs.  When i join a game and another solid reg insta joins- we usually end up chopping.  A waste of time, money and rake, but worth it in the end.  I have a lot more respect for a lot of regs on stars these days especially at the 345-570 level.  I rarely join regs at these levels because either A. they are just as solid, B. will start an unnecessary war or C. I became friends with them a long time ago.  I will still join regs who i think i have an edge on, but mostly just to get the next open lobby.

Wanna give a shout out to mjw006- keep grinding buddy, you can get SNE next year!

Madamadadonk- if u make SNE at 50's next year you will go down in history as the all time greatest grinder
Howgood2good- saw u at the 100s the other day, dont get too crazy on us now
Mad-shoe-ter- gl becoming a ps pro!